Thursday, November 14, 2013

Museums & Their "Sordid Commercial Interests"

I recently discovered that there is an entire subculture of museum workers. An academic circle of writing, debating museum curators actually exists.  What’s less clear is whether or not they actually really have much of a following outside of their own little group.  Kinda weird...

But over the past couple of weeks, I’ve had an opportunity to look in on this world of museums in one of my classes.  I’d like to consider myself one of the curious, privileged few.  Or you can just call me a little obsessive; that works, too.

One eminent topic in “museum literature” is the idea of the business of museums.  In museums, or any private educational institution, for that matter, there is a conflict between trying to make money and trying to educate the public. 

Mary Miley Theobald in her book Museum Store Management writes (link) about the ethical problem of museum gift shops.  She writes, “If the shop’s only reason for being is money, then the museum is operating a gift shop rather than a museum store and it has little justification for existence.”

Aside from gift shops, museums raise revenue by charging for admission, so museums have a huge financial incentive get people in the door.  In order to accomplish this, curators may feel pressure to give the masses what they are looking for rather than creating the most accurate or educationally valuable exhibits.  But then again, as one classmate put it, isn’t an “EPCOT” understanding of the world better than nothing at all?

Other museum-oriented writers are a little more philosophical and focused on language, like Stephen Weil who writes (link) about metaphors we use to think about museums.  He argues that the temple, in its sacredness, describes the museum, and asks do we not imagine museum objects as being “in constant danger of pollution . . . by . . . the spiritual pollution of sordid commercial interests?”

Do the ends justify the means?  Without money, museums would not be able to stay open, and thus, they would be unable to fulfill their purpose of educating the public. But more fundamentally, do museum gift shops actually corrupt the very essence of the museum?  Do they really destroy its educational value? 

Several of these academics who write about museums tend to speak normatively, in imperatives. ("We must...")  I find that a lot of these arguments--Weil’s in particular--tend to come off as somewhat melodramatic.  

The museum is both a business and an educational institution.  It is a great example of self-interest and altruism functioning simultaneously.

(Image from:

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Bondy,
    I strongly agree with you on most issues; however, I feel we can and should try harder to make museums free of commercial interests. We can do this by increasing government funding, private funding, and regulations on how commercial museums can be. Maybe "we must" is too strong a term, however if hyperbole gets the job done I encourage it.
